Obtaining or revising a Conditional Use Permit or getting a Mining and Reclamation Plan approved can be time consuming and confusing. Our staff of Land Use experts can guide you through the process so you can avoid regulatory pitfalls that might delay your project.
Our Land Use services include environmental review and documentation of each sub-project necessary for compliance with regulatory authorities, environmental approvals and permits. Environmental review includes environmental impact assessment (EA), study (EIS) and reporting (EIR). The environmental review process also includes: acquisition due diligence investigation, assessment, and reporting; developing and implementing environmental management plans and systems (e.g. environmental mitigation and management plans) necessary for environmental compliance during various stages of project construction and operation.
A few examples of land use entitlements that our staff has experience with are as follows: Mining and Reclamation Plan, as well as Financial Assurance Annual Report (consistent with SMARA), Inert Debris Engineered Fill Operation (IDEFO), Substantial Conformance Application, Conditional Use Permit, Zone Change, and Lot Line Adjustments.
To learn more about our land use services please call Mike Buckantz at (714) 625-7020 or e-mail him at mbuck@associatesenvironmental.com.